Tigers are the largest wildcats in the world.

Tigers are the largest wildcats in the world! Tigers can weigh up to 363 kg, which is around ten ten year old human kids, and they can measure up to 3.3 meters.

A tiger swimming in the water.

Ironically, tigers are actually quite good at swimming, and they like being in water.  They frequently try to refresh themselves by going in water.

Tigers’ stripes are like a fingerprint.

All tigers have different stripes, like a fingerprint — no two tigers have the exact same stripes. Stripes can differ in color, and sometimes can be different on both sides of the tiger.

A tiger roaring

A tigers’ roar can be heard from 2 miles away! Tigers can vocalize by roaring, growling, hissing, moaning, and chuffing.

Tigers are ambush hunters.

Tigers are ambush hunters, which means that they prefer to sneak up on their prey when going in and killing them. They usually kill animals with a bite to the neck or to the back of the head.

Check out this cool video with interesting facts about tigers!

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